Summertime is here! It is that wonderful time of year where children can run free in the yard, burning off their excess energy, getting fresh air and exercise, and where parents don't have to come up with a hundred indoor activities to ward off boredom due to cold weather.
Children love to be outside in the summer, and parents love it, too! Most parents find that both they and their children love outdoor play even more when their yard is full of the best play equipment that will keep kids happy for hours on end.
These are the five pieces of must-have play equipment for any family's backyard:
1 – Swings
Perhaps nothing can draw children like swings can. Kids of all ages love swings, and it is worth the investment to have as many as possible. When designing your outdoor play area, try to include swings that are appropriate for various ages of children. Include a baby swing for babies and toddlers, and vary the heights of the other swings so that many children can use them.

2 - Climbing frames
Close to the swings, a climbing frame also gives hours of entertainment. Climbing frames can be wooden or metal, and they often have slides, monkey bars, and various other climbing equipment. Children love to climb and test their physical skills on a rope ladder, rock wall, or monkey bar set!
3 – Trampoline
Trampolines are an area of special consideration for parents. While they are great fun for both parents and kids alike, they can be dangerous, so keep some basic safety rules in mind. First, always set the trampoline on a soft surface, never on concrete. In the event of a fall off of the trampoline, grass or mulch is much more forgiving than concrete or pavement would be.
Second, make sure the trampoline is surrounded with a net, which dramatically decreases the chances of a fall off of the trampoline. Third, set firm limits with your children about the type of jumping allowed and how many people are allowed to jump at once. The fewer children jumping at once, the better, in terms of preventing injury.
4 – Bicycles
Finally, don't forget some good old-fashioned bicycles and tricycles for the little ones.
5 - Sand Pit
From the oldest kids to smallest kids: all love to dig around in the dirt and sand. Give them some colourful buckets and spades, and other non-breakable toys they can get messy with.
Giving your children each of these options ensures that they will be busy for hours. By including all of these items in your backyard, you can create an oasis that both you and your kids are sure to love!