
Nintendo DS: Elite Penguin Force-Club Penguin

I had just ordered / purchased from Ebay this wonderful Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force-Nintendo DS Lite cartridge for my new Nintendo DS console (oops I missed latest Nintendo DSi) now who cares for Gameboy video console, I love Nintendo DS as it has the pencil functionality with two screens, graphics are more bright and colorful here too,

In this latest Elite Penguin Force-Club Penguin for DS there are lots of new mini games, Puffel, we can earn coins and can upload to our online club penguin membership at a click of mouse, we have club penguin-secret spy missions, this is now available at online Amazon store or at Disney's, Toys R Us,

I love love love Club Penguin and this is my favorite online kids game now I can play this Elite Penguin Force-Club Penguin at my newly purchased Nintendo DS Lite video game console!

Watch YouTube Video here for: Mimo Unboxing & Playing Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force for Nintendo DS!